SkinPen (Microneedling)

Microneedling creates microscopic openings in the surface of the skin. It causes the tissue to develop new collagen and elastin, resulting in smoother, firmer skin. The treatment is completely non-surgical and requires little downtime.

What is Microneedling?

Microneedling is a rejuvenating skin treatment that addresses:

• Wrinkles and fine lines
• Hyperpigmentation
• Sun damage
• Mild inelasticity
• Acne scars
• Large pores
• Rough skin
• Dull skin

You may hear microneedling referred to as percutaneous collagen induction, because the treatment increases collagen in your skin. Collagen is the supportive scaffolding of youthful, smooth skin. It naturally declines with age. By inducing the creation of collagen (as well as elastin), microneedling leads to smoother, plumper, firmer skin.

The Microneedling Process

Modern treatments use an automated pen-like device. It’s handheld. The head of the device contains a circular arrangement of tiny needles. The device is set to penetrate the skin at a certain depth, making the treatment highly customizable.
As the provider passes the head of rotating needles across the skin, the needles make tiny openings in the epidermis. These minuscule punctures prompt a healing response in the skin without damaging tissue.

How Long Does it Take to Heal from Microneedling?

Microneedling is minimally invasive, but your face will be flushed and red for about 24-72 hours after the appointment. During this time, don’t apply facial cosmetics. We know it is tempting to conceal the redness, but microneedling opens up the pores of your face, so the last thing you want to do is clog all those channels into the epidermis with makeup.
For 24-48 hours, it is normal to experience peeling, dryness, swelling and bumps. Follow our directions for which moisturizers and cleansers to use during this time. Your skin will start looking radiant and fresh after a few days, and results will continue to improve over the next couple of months as new collagen and elastin forms.

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  1. Get to know our providers.

  2. Help them understand you and your goals.

  3. Learn about our services and specialties.

“The consultation was wonderful. I felt like Dr. Yvette was really trying to get to know me, and what I wanted.”



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Mask Group 24

Modern treatments use an automated pen-like device. It’s handheld. The head of the device contains a circular arrangement of tiny needles. The device is set to penetrate the skin at a certain depth, making the treatment highly customizable.

As the provider passes the head of rotating needles across the skin, the needles make tiny openings in the epidermis. These minuscule punctures prompt a healing response in the skin without damaging tissue.

SkinPen Microneedling


Acne Scars

Large Pores

Large Pores

Sun Damage

Sun Damage
Skin Laxity

Mild Elasticity

Lines & Wrinkles


Mask Group 9

Hydrafacial is a non-invasive treatment that improves skin health, addresses individual concerns, and creates a glow like no other. the Hydrafacial is performed via device rather than by hand to ensure deeper penetration and longer lasting results. The wand, works like a vacuum to open pores for a deep cleanse and easy extraction of impurities and dead skin cells. It also allows the active ingredients in our boosters to penetrate deeper, for the most effective treatment possible. The Hydrafacial can be performed on not only the face but the back, arms, legs, buttocks, hands, ect.


Schedule your cosmetic consult with us to see how Hydrafacial can help you achieve your skin care goals!



Tone & Texture

Tone & Texture
Skin Laxity

Skin Laxity

Lymphatic Drainage

circle icon lymph


Mask Group 9

Melasma is a common skin condition in which patches of skin on the face darken. Typically, the affected areas are the cheeks, bridge of the nose, forehead or upper lip. The dark patches are often symmetrical. Melasma can occur in anyone, but is much more frequently found among women, especially women who are pregnant when it is called chloasma, and is sometimes referred to as the "pregnancy mask."


Although not a painful or dangerous problem, melasma can be very distressing emotionally because of its alteration of the appearance. Melasma is not always a permanent condition. It may disappear in a woman several months after she gives birth, but may reoccur after unprotected exposure to the sun.



Chemical peels

Laser treatments

Topical corticosteroids
IPL therapy

warts banner

A papilloma is a usually benign tumor of the skin or mucous membranes that grows outwardly in finger-like protrusions. It is frequently used to refer to infections caused by the human papillomavirus (HPV), which can cause papillomas of the skin, genitals, mouth, eyes and throat, and, in some women, cervical cancer.


Papillomas can form throughout the body. Warts, which are papillomas on the skin, can be found on the hands, feet and knees. They may or not be painful, can grow singly or in clusers, and can be raised or flat, rough or smooth.



Liquid Nitrogen freezing
Topical therapies

vitiligo banner

Vitiligo is a skin condition caused by progressive depigmentation (white patches), usually on the face, elbows, knees, hands, feet, genitals and upper thighs. Vitiligo is not uncommon, affecting between one-half and one percent of the population. The condition appears to be an autoimmune disorder in which immune cells attack melanocytes, the cells that produce pigment.


There is also some correlation between vitiligo and three other autoimmune diseases: pernicious anemia, hyperthyroidism and Addison's disease.



Topical corticosteroids and immunosuppressive therapy

sweating hyperhidrosis banner

Hyperhidrosis is a condition that causes excessive sweating on the hands, feet, armpits, face and genital area, or all over the entire body. The exact cause of this condition is unknown, although it often runs in families and begins during childhood.


Patients with hyperhidrosis may sweat all over their body or in certain areas. Their skin may become white and wrinkled or red and irritated as a result of the constant moisture, and it may develop an odor as well. Living with hyperhidrosis often causes patients to feel embarrassed, awkward and self-conscious, especially during social situations.





Prescription strength antiperspirants

skin tags banner

A skin tag (acrochordon) is a small, soft piece of flesh-colored or dark tissue that is attached to the surface of the skin by a connecting "stalk." Most skin tags develop over time, although some people are born with them. They can develop where clothing rubs against skin, or the skin rubs against itself. Skin tags typically affect people who are overweight, have diabetes, or are older than 40.


Although they are almost always benign, and do not cause problems unless they are continuously irritated, many people choose to have them removed for precautionary or cosmetic purposes. Skin tags can itch and, because they can get caught in zippers, clothes or jewelry, sometimes bleed. They are not contagious.

Skin Tags


Freezing with Liquid Nitrogen

Excision with scissors

skin cancers banner

Skin cancer, which is the most common form of cancer in the United States, is the result of the abnormal growth of skin cells. Cancer can affect skin anywhere on the body, but most frequently appears on skin that is exposed to the sun. There are more than a million new cases of skin cancer in the United States each year.


Every day, skin cells die and new ones form to replace them in a process controlled by DNA. Skin cancer can form when this process does not work properly because of damage to DNA. New cells may form when they are not needed, or older cells may not die, both of which can cause a growth of tissue known as a tumor. DNA damage is often a result of ultraviolet radiation from sunlight or tanning lamps. In some cases, skin cancer affects areas of the skin that have not been exposed to the sun. Certain factors, such as fair skin, moles, a weakened immune system, heredity and age, also increase the risk of skin cancer.

Skin Cancer


Freezing with Liquid nitrogen
Mohs Surgery
Surgical excision

rosacea banner

Rosacea is a common, chronic skin condition that affects up to 10 percent of the population, although many people are unaware that they have it. It usually affects the face, causing redness and the formation of small, pus-filled bumps similar to acne, and, like other skin conditions, can cause emotional distress for the sufferer. Rosacea typically affects fair-skinned women between 30 and 60 years of age. It can first appear during menopause, and is more prevalent in people with a family history of the condition. Although rosacea is a chronic condition that cannot be cured, there are several treatments available to relieve its symptoms and prevent flareups.



Topical ointments
Oral medications
Laser therapy

psoriasis banner

Psoriasis is a common, chronic skin condition. The result of a rapid buildup of skin cells, psoriasis causes red, raised, dry and cracked scaly patches, and even blisters, to form on the skin. In some cases, psoriasis affects the fingernails, causing yellowing and small depressions. Psoriasis can be mild, moderate or severe, and, in most cases, causes itching and burning in affected areas or skin.


Psoriasis is the result of an autoimmune disorder, in which skin cells replace themselves every 3 to 4 days, rather than the usual 30, creating a buildup of cells on the skin's surface, and causing symptoms to appear on the scalp, elbows, knees, hands, feet and genitals. Although there is no cure, there are several treatments available to effectively relieve symptoms. In the United States, more than seven million men, women and children have psoriasis.



Topical corticosteroids
Exposure to natural sunlight
Oral medications

moles banner

Moles are growths on the skin that are usually brown or black; they may be located, alone or in groups, anywhere on the body. A birthmark is a colored mark that appears soon after a baby's birth. Although many moles and birthmarks are completely benign and pose no health risk, some people choose to remove them because they consider them unattractive. Regularly using a strong sunscreen, and monitoring birthmarks and moles for changes, is highly recommended.

A mole should be examined by a physician if it is larger than 6 millimeters; itching or bleeding; rapidly changing in color, size and shape; multicolored; or located in a difficult-to-monitor area like the scalp.



Small Tissue sample for biopsy
Surgical removal

excessive hair growth banner

Hirsutism is the excessive growth of coarse, unwanted body hair on women. This condition causes women to grow body hair on the face, chest, back or other body parts where men typically grow hair. Hirsutism is a harmless condition, however, many women with this condition may find it embarrassing or emotionally distressing. Hirsutism tends to run in families, and in many cases, the exact cause is never identified.

Excessive Hair Growth


Laser Hair removal
Topical creams or anti-androgen medication

eczema banner

Eczema is a common skin disorder that manifests itself as itchy skin and a red rash; it is particularly common in infants and young children. Eczema most often develops as a result of an allergic reaction, or an immune-system malfunction. It can cause irritation and inflammation anywhere on the body, but is especially prevalent on the face, the insides of the arms, and behind the knees. In infants with eczema, the scalp is frequently affected.

Eczema can include symptoms of raised and crusty patches, blisters that ooze, or dry and scaling skin. It is diagnosed by physical examination and patient consultation.




Topical corticosteroids
Behavioral changes

cysts banner

Cysts are benign skin lesions which, although sometimes irritating or unsightly, are not usually dangerous. Many benign lesions do not require treatment except for cosmetic reasons. Some, however, may itch, burn, sting, or be otherwise uncomfortable if left untreated and some may lead to possibly malignant changes in the skin.



Surgical excision

allergies banner

Contact dermatitis is a skin condition caused by an allergic reaction to certain materials that come into contact with the skin. A common cause of rashes, contact dermatitis appears on the skin after contact with the offending material or substance has taken place. It may occur immediately after contact or may take several days to appear. Typically, contact dermatitis presents as a red, itchy rash. While not serious medically, the condition may be very uncomfortable.



Skin biopsy for diagnosis
OTC creams

Prescription corticosteroids and antihistamines

Acne Scars Banner (1)

For many patients, once acne lesions clear up or are removed, they leave behind discolorations and indentations on the skin. In many cases, acne can lead to scarring, especially if it is severe. Scars may form after acne has healed and cleared, and may vary from person to person. Some people may have small flat scars that are not very noticeable and others may suffer from more visible and indented scars on the face or affected area.

Acne Scar



Laser Treatments
Punch Excision Surgery

acne banner

Acne refers to clogged pores and is found on the face, neck, chest, back, shoulders and arms. It takes many forms ranging from small red spots to pus-filled cysts. Oily skin is sometimes an accompanying complaint. Prolonged, untreated acne may also cause heavy scarring as well.

If you suffer from this skin problem, you are not alone. More than three-quarters of the population between the ages of 12 and 24 have some form of acne, and it is a frequent condition among people in their 30s and 40s as well.



Topical treatments
Oral prescriptions
Scar treatments

Mask Group 9

Glycolic acid, salicylic acid and combination acid peels, such as the Vitalize Peel, are used to treat actinic keratoses (precancerous lesions), uneven discoloration, sun damaged or aging skin. These chemicals disrupt the "glue" that holds skin cells together and allow the outermost layers of the skin to be shed gradually, revealing younger, healthier and smoother skin. Since these peels require little "downtime" they are appropriately labeled "lunchtime" peels. The key is that they allow you to return to work without taking any time off.

Chemical Peels




Tone & Texture

Tone & Texture

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A totally non-surgical procedure, RF microneedling uses both radiofrequency and micro-needling for skin remodeling. No downtime is necessary and it is safe on any skin type! RF microneedling targets subdermal layers of skin and tissue to both remodel and stimulate collagen production with no downtime and a light sunburn feeling for an hour or two.



Skin Laxity

Skin Laxity

Tone & Texture

Tone & Texture
Mask Group 19

BOTOX® Cosmetic is a prescription drug that, when injected, temporarily paralyzes muscles. It contains a purified and safe form of botulinum toxin A, which is produced by the microbe that causes botulism. Manufactured by Allergan, Inc., it is used to treat permanent furrows and deep wrinkles in the skin that are formed by the continual contraction of facial muscles.



Lines & Wrinkles

Lines & Wrinkles
Mask Group 19

Hyaluronic acid, or HA, is a natural substance in the body that delivers volume to the skin. Modified HA is the main ingredient behind JUVÉDERM®. Getting treated with JUVÉDERM® helps add volume to different areas of the face without surgery while also temporarily restoring the volume loss beneath the surface. This helps to both smooth out wrinkles and restore a more youthful appearance.


There are types of JUVÉDERM® for filling in lines and wrinkles on the face (commonly around the nose and mouth), and to add volume to the lips. On average, JUVÉDERM® typically lasts about 12-18 months until a repeat injection is needed. Schedule a cosmetic consultation appointment today to learn more!



Lines & Wrinkles

Lines & Wrinkles
Mask Group 19

A safe and natural filler that is non-animal derived and naturally found in the skin, Restylane® contained hyaluronic acid and is used to fill deeper folds and wrinkles on the lower half of the face most commonly to restore volume. It can also aid in contouring the lips for a fuller appearance. Since it is non-animal derived, Restylane® does not require allergy pre-testing as is the case with other filler substances.


The most common areas for Restylane treatment are the glabellar lines (which run between the eyebrows) and the nasolabial folds (which run from the sides of the nose to the corners of the mouth). Restylane injectable gel is also FDA-approved, for those 21 and older, for enhancing the lips. According to manufacturer Medicis, results can last for up to 6 months, at which point the hyaluronic acid is reabsorbed by the body.



Lines & Wrinkles

Lines & Wrinkles
Mask Group 19

Statistics suggest that hair loss affects millions of men and women in our country. If you are one of them, chances are you are looking for a solution that will meet your needs. We are proud to offer an emergent treatment that has quickly developed a proven track record of success: PRP therapy.

PRP is platelet-rich plasma, a product that is present in the blood. Platelet-rich plasma is a nutrient-dense fluid that stimulates cellular regeneration within microenvironments like the hair follicles, joints, and also the skin. Platelets are robust cells that contain numerous growth factors, each of which is involved in certain cellular processes.



Fat Reduction

Fat Reduction
Mask Group 20

Statistics suggest that hair loss affects millions of men and women in our country. If you are one of them, chances are you are looking for a solution that will meet your needs. We are proud to offer an emergent treatment that has quickly developed a proven track record of success: PRP therapy.


PRP is platelet-rich plasma, a product that is present in the blood. Platelet-rich plasma is a nutrient-dense fluid that stimulates cellular regeneration within microenvironments like the hair follicles, joints, and also the skin. Platelets are robust cells that contain numerous growth factors, each of which is involved in certain cellular processes.



Hair Health & Growth

Hair Health & Growth
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